Five Signs That Christmas Is Coming – Including Some That Seem To Come Earlier As Each Year Passes By!

Five Signs That Christmas Is Coming – Including Some That Seem To Come Earlier As Each Year Passes By!

Whether you like it or not, Christmas comes at the end of every year and is a huge part of all our lives, including the biggest grinches and humbugs out there. Once Halloween is out of the way the high streets start gearing up for that Christmas frenzy the very next day. In fact it seems that each year the lights go up a little bit earlier, and the tinsel puts in an appearance when we’re all still in flip-flops and summer clothes!

That’s particularly true in a city such as Manchester, with a varied cultural scene and village-like suburbs that let you get out of the city centre and do some shopping in independent and artisan stores.

Even in Manchester conference centres, you can still expect to see some decorations or maybe a Christmas tree popping up once the ghoulish trick or treaters have clambered back into their coffins for another year. Thankfully, this is a city that’s proud of its personality, and doesn’t take itself too seriously.

If you’re one of those who feel that Christmas starts earlier every year, then you’re probably right – here are five of the biggest signposts that the festive season is on its way, and when to look out for them.

Christmas adverts

One of the main landmarks many people look out for is the return of certain special Christmas-themed TV commercials, with a particular fizzy drinks brand among the usual suspects, as well as department stores, supermarkets and clothing retailers.

These advertisements tap into happy childhood memories, even if you don’t buy anything from the companies featured, and you can expect to see them from mid-November onwards. Yes, Coca Cola, holidays certainly are ‘a-coming’…

Christmas lights

Festive decorations and illuminations are possibly the most visible indication of the arrival of Christmas, whether they’re in or on people’s houses, or in public places like city centres.

The Christmas lights switch-on ceremony is one of the big draws in many major cities, and hotels in Manchester centre such as the Chancellors Hotel are always busy around early November, when the city centre puts Halloween and Bonfire Night behind it and looks forward to the festive season with a spectacular light show.

Christmas music

Listen out for the first suggestion of sleigh bells while you’re in the shops; December is the only time most of us hear East 17 any more, and it’s always fun to try and work out which songs are actually about Christmas, and which ones just happened to be released at the right time.

Keep an eye out for the first articles predicting what this year’s Christmas number one will be – they should start appearing in newspapers, magazines and online in early December.

Christmas markets

Another feature Manchester in particular is famed for are the Christmas markets, which open in mid-November each year. Handmade gifts, continental foods and mulled wine are all on the menu here, so expect Manchester hotel rooms and parking to be booked up well in advance for this annual festival of food and craftsmanship.

Christmas gifts

Of course, for many people, Christmas is about giving (or receiving) gifts, so you can expect to see selection boxes and gift sets start to appear in the shops as early as mid-October. These really do seem to come sooner each year – to the point where some of the perishable gifts are past their best before December 25th actually arrives!

So if you’re in the market for a chocolate Yule log or a selection box of tasty treats, either buy it closer to Christmas, or eat it yourself while it’s still good.

About The Author – John Tooms is a Manchester-based lifestyle blogger who uses sites including for research. He’s concerned that he’s starting to write blogs about Christmas earlier every year…