Kindness Birmingham Event

Kindness Birmingham Event

It’s that time of year again where people are starting to panic about what to buy as Christmas presents. However, there is one option which is always received well. Christmas hampers can be picked to suit the tastes of the person that they are intended for. For example, wine and chocolate hampers can be perfect for the ladies who enjoy some of the finer things in life.

Likewise, if you know somebody who doesn’t drink alcohol, tea-total hampers also go down a treat. Indeed, the popularity of hampers stretches back for generations. Whilst many of us are fortunate enough to buy luxury food hampers, there are others who aren’t quite as lucky.

Christmas is a time of cheer and good will though, so many volunteers have taken to buying or distributing food hampers to those that are less fortunate than themselves. Birmingham is hosting a unique ‘kindness’ event in November where people will be able to pick up free food and free hugs. Co-organiser Jacqui Land Keavney explains:

“Sadly some people never get to experience kindness. The act of kindness is helping another with no expectation of getting anything in return. An act of kindness has a ripple effect. You get that good feeling inside that you can’t put into words, and it makes you feel you want to do something good for someone else.”

An event celebrating kindness is something that many people will approve of, but there are some who feel sad that it needs to be held. Ms Land Keavney believes that people want to be king but often hold themselves back from interacting with strangers because they feel that they cannot make a difference. She says:

“My mother is 84 and she said she didn’t know why we were holding a kindness event when it’s such a natural thing to do. For her generation it was. Kindness is a heart to heart communication, words need not be spoken – it could be a smile, a kind gesture or a donation. Unfortunately many of our generation have lost this because they don’t have heart to heart connections due to social media.”

Buoyed by the support of local artists, businesses and musicians, Kindness Birmingham is being hosted for free and people can drop in to experience some of the kinder things in life. Any money raised will be distributed amongst local charities, including Birmingham Basket Brigade which distributes food hampers to disadvantaged families.

Jacqui adds: “Even donating just a tube of toothpaste to a homeless person will make a big difference. We’ve collected lots of coats, gloves and scarves and will be going out in the evening donating them to homeless people in the city.”

Don’t be a scrooge this year. Do what you can to help improve somebody else’s life. It may just be putting 50 pence into a charity collection tin, but that small amount can add up to a huge difference. Make sure that you buy your loved ones the presents that they deserve this Christmas.

About the Author – Sarah Makinson is a freelance blogger who regularly contributes to a number of lifestyle sites, including Regency Hampers.